Model Meeting! 12/02/2024


Our December 2nd club meeting is coming up next Monday evening from 6:30 to 9 at Fundemonium.

The club contest themed “gifted model” will be judged at this meeting. Bring those gifted models you have built to be a part of the contest! Gift cards will be awarded to the top three entries (must be a member in good standing to claim the gift card).

The IPMS Santa Rosa holiday party will be held January 11 from 6 to 9PM at the Rohnert Park Mountain Mike’s located at 6314 Commerce Blvd.

2025 member dues of $30 will be due by the January meeting. These dues allow the club to pay for the holiday party, summer picnic and club contest awards.

Hope to see you all on December 2nd. Until then I leave you with an invite from our own Carl Molesworth.

Dear friends — In case you missed my Facebook post, I want to let you know that the new PBS documentary I appear in, Valor and Memory, will be showing on PBS stations Nov. 7. And starting today, you can see the program on the PBS App. It will be available there for three years. Here is the link: Valor And Memory. You can also see the full program on Vimeo: Valor and Memory_PBS App version.


That’s a wrap, folks!

Evolution 2024 is in the books!

First, we’d like to thank all of the outstanding people who supported our first foray into the Open Judging System. Thank you to all of the judges who volunteered their time to learn and execute a new system. Your help was truly appreciated. Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped setup and run this party. Thanks to all of the attendees and contestants – without you we couldn’t call it a model show. Thanks to the vendors who showed up to sell their wares. And thanks to everyone who stepped up at the last minute to get the show on the road, so to speak.

There were 80 contestants who put 325 models on the tables. That’s 50 models over what we had last year! Certainly a high-water mark in recent memory for us. The open judging went very smoothly overall. The bulk of the judging was done by 1:00pm, and the balance of the time was spent determining the Best Of’s from the Gold medal winners. Of course, there were a few hiccups, and they will be addressed by next year. From what we’ve been hearing among the modelers in attendance and the spectators, we got favorable reviews.

So, thank you from us to everyone who helped and supported the show. We’ll see you in 2025!

The contest form is here!

I know everyone is waiting for the arrival of The Form. It’s now here for your perusal. Just download, fill out, and bring it with you on Saturday morning. The doc contains a list of the categories on the second page. I’ve listed the categories below for the window shoppers…

1 Aircraft/Spacecraft (Military and Civilian)
2 Automotive and Motorcycles
3 Armor (all military vehicles)
4 Figures (Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Historical)
5 Diorama
6 Miscellaneous (vignette, etc.)
7 Ships
8 Sci-Fi and Fantasy
9 Gundam
10 Junior (12-17 years of age)
11 Kids (under 12 years of age)

Remember, the doors open at 9am, and registration runs until 12pm.

If you’re bringing more than eight models, thanks! Just use two forms in that case. As always, do not fill out the shaded areas on the form – we’ll take care of that.

2024 Model Registration Form

Build Nite!


Another month has passed and a build night is coming this Friday, August 13th, from 6-9PM. Of course, we’re having it at Fundemonium, in the Expressway Center, 579 Rohnert Park Expy, Rohnert Park, CA 94928.

For those who missed the last meeting we will be having Discord Build nights coming soon. Discord works much like a Zoom meeting with audio and video, so we can build from our benches and engage with each other via the Discord server. A future email will include a Discord invite and a date and time for the first virtual build night.

Look forward to seeing you at Build night!

Dean , The Prez

Model meeting! 08/05/2024


Our next monthly meeting is August 5th at Fundemonium (579 Rohnert Park Expressway, Rohnert Park). Regular meeting is from 7-9PM with the business meeting beforehand starting at 6:30PM.
We will have a show and tell session, raffle and a “tips and Tricks” session with our new club Secretary James Morando.
Last month the club voted for our new IPMS Santa Rosa Board members. The new Board is:
Dean Wallace, President
Ray Kummer, Vice President
Chris Zanella, Treasurer
James Morando, Secretary

I would like to thank Dev Sodagar(president), Greg Reynolds(treasurer) and Jack Riggar(secretary) for their time as IPMS SR board members. Your dedication, experience and knowledge has been greatly appreciated.

So Long and Thanks for all the Model Kits

After two years of wrangling this club, nudging it in bold new directions and generally just bumbling through it all; it is time for me to step aside as President. It has been a fantastic experience. I’ve met so many awesome folks, been to club meetings across Region 9 and seen our own club do more and more things while continuing some classic traditions. The Tour of PCAM, the Summer Picnics and last year’s show at Fundemonium are some personal highlights. But all good things must come to an end and for me, this is the time. The last few months have seen my energy levels drop off as other life things started taking up more time and my desire to push new ideas and get more spirited activities for the club became harder to realize.

I would like to thank the whole club for sticking it out through all my mad ideas and occasionally half baked plans. Sticking with the plan to do Open Judging at this years show (something I am still very excited for and looking forward to). Buying swag, showing up to Club Auctions and Club nights, sitting down to hobby on build nights and go on the odd field trip here or there.

Mostly I’d like to thank Dean for agreeing to take up the mantle and bring his own ideas and energy, along with those of his exec to the rest of the club. I can’t wait to see what they can do!

Later Dayz


The Scale Model Show: Evolution!

The Scale Model Show returns in 2024 with The Scale Model Show: Evolution!

The nitty gritty:

Theme: Evolution
Date: October 12th, 2024
Location: The Spreckels Performing Arts Center, 5401 Snyder Ln, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm


We are moving to an open system for judging! The judging guidelines and rules can be found at the following links:

The Judging Guide The Judging Rules

More details to follow…